

Open Position at Luleå University of Technology (LTU)

PhD Student in Energy Engineering with special emphasis on evaluation of biochar for sustainable steelmaking (Norrbottens län, Lulea)

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Start of the BIOSTRAT project

The project “Strategies for the optimal bioenergy use in Austria from societies point-of-view – Scenarios up to 2050” (BIOSTRAT) is funded by the Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) 15th Call (2022) and started in September 2023.

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First product from Fischer-Tropsch pilot plant goes into fleet testing

In mid-2022, the Syngas Platform Vienna was opened by the COMET competence center BEST. The globally unique plant produces green feedstock for the chemical industry as well as for the production of high-quality fuels. (Foto: BEST, Andreas Moser)

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Technology advances in liquid biofuels and renewable gas – WS28 Summary Report

IEA Bioenergy held its biannual workshop on 17 October 2022 in Vienna, in conjunction with its Executive Committee meeting (ExCo90). The workshop on ‘Technology advances in liquid biofuels and renewable gas’ was held in hybrid form and was organised in collaboration with the Austrian Ministry BMK and BEST.

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Kick-off meeting of the project BioTrainValue

BEST is a project partner of the BioTrainValue project, funded by Horizon Europe - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (HE-MSCA). Within the project, new technologies for biomass conversion to innovative bio-based products are developed and tested. (Foto: Lodz University of Technology)

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Alps4GreenC Project

The Alps4GreenC project, funded by INTERREG Alpine Space, aims at setting-the-scene for transnational utilization of biomass residues in the Alpine region, with a focus on Northern Italy, Austria and Slovenia. The project researches biomass conversion opportunities and transnational biochar value chains.

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IEA Bioenergy welcomes Dina Bacovsky as new Chair

Dina Bacovsky of BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies, Austria, has been elected as the new Chair of the IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme for 2023 and 2024. 

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Testing a predictive building energy management system at the Innovation District Inffeld

The energy management system developed by BEST GmbH as part of the UserGRIDs project has been tested and evaluated in an office building at the Innovation District Inffeld in Graz since November 2022.

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Task 44 Workshop

Webinar Flexibility Provision from Biogenic Gases

Wednesday, 23 November 2022
15:00 - 18:00 Central European Time
09:00 - 12:00 Eastern Standard Time

Agenda & Registration

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Save the dates: Online seminars

Series of online seminars on Sustainable Aviatin Fuels

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IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Meeting in Gävle (Schweden)

From 12 to 13 September, the IEA Bioenergy Task 39 meeting was held in Gävle, Sweden.

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(Copyright BEST / Wolfgang Bledl)

In April, the Horizon 2020 project Heat-to-Fuel (HtF) was concluded. As part of the international consortium comprising of 14 partners, BEST’s main focus was to experimentally investigate and demonstrate part of the HtF process chain.

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Syngas Platform Vienna - Opening of the pilot plant

The BEST demonstration plant is now operational for further tests into the use of different waste and biomass streams.

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Highlights of the BIOFIT project

The 7th progress meeting of the BIOFIT project was held on October 19th and 20th, 2021. The BIOFIT project has started in 2018 and will support and initiate bioenergy retrofitting opportunities in five industry sectors, namely first-generation biofuels, pulp & paper, fossil refineries, fossil firing power and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants.

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Vienna Energy Forum (VEF)

Side Event 6 July 2021

The VEF side event on "Biofuel Industry: Opportunity for self-reliance and security in energy in enabling progress towards the SDGs and NDC comittments" with Dina Bacovsky will take place virtually on 6 July 2021, from 15:00-16:00.

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FollowUp of IEA SHC Task 55: New Task Leader

Viktor Unterberger (BEST) is the new Task Leader of the IEA SHC Task 55's FollowUP Task "Efficient solar district heating systems".

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IEA Bioenergy: Dina Bacovsky is one of the new vice-chairs

The IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee appointed Dina Bacovsky as new vice-chair.

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Save-the-date: Digital workshop “Heat to Fuel interfaces to advanced Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Liquids Technologies (e-fuels)”

BEST is organizing a workshop in the frame of the Horizon 2020 project Heat-to-Fuel to give a comprehensive overview on “Advanced Power -to-Gas and Power-to-Liquids Technologies”.

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The role of renewable fuels in reducing the climate impact of road transport

Experts from the IEA Bioenergy and Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programmes have analysed the role of renewable fuels to reduce the climate impact of road transport in a number of countries, including Germany, Sweden, Finland, the USA and Brazil.

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From Waste to Value

Construction has started on a new pilot plant in Vienna, Austria, which will demonstrate the conversion of waste materials into eco-friendly and carbon-neutral fuels. At the site of a hazardous waste incineration plant in the urban area of Vienna, BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies - will operate a novel process chain to generate and utilize a hydrogen-rich synthesis gas on an industrial scale. The plant is being built by the SMS Group.

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New Press Release on the BIOFIT Summery Paper for Policymakers

A new Press Release on the BIOFIT Summary Paper for Policymakers has been published.

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BEST receives 2 poster awards at this year’s EUBCE

BEST receives 2 poster awards at this year’s EUBCE for the posters "Evaluation of the Transient Behaviour of a Fixed-bed Biomass Gasifier for Demand-oriented Electricity Production" and "Long-term Validation of a new Modular Approach for CO-λ-optimization".

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Lions Sponsorship 2020

Price Winner Katharina Fürsatz from BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH is a PhD student at the Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering (research group future energy technology) and is supervised by Prof. Hermann Hofbauer. Her day-to-day research work is done at BEST, a K1 Centre run under the COMET Competence Centre Programme. For her thesis she works in the field of dual fluidized bed (DFB) steam gasification. She mainly focuses on the role of fuel ash and bed material on the product gas quality obtained during DFB steam gasification. The ash layers, that form on the bed material during gasification have a considerable positive influence on the catalytic activity leading to higher contents of hydrogen and lower tar contents in the product gas.

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SHIP2FAIR obtains Mention of Honour in the EnerAgen Awards

The consortium of SHIP2FAIR is pleased to announce that the project has obtained Mention of Honour in the EnerAgen Awards (ES) in the category of “Best energy improvement performance in the field of Renewable Energies”. EnerAgen is the Association of Spanish Agencies for Energy Management. EnerAgen is currently the main instrument for the cooperation and coordination between agencies and public organisms in the field of energy that operate at different territorial levels in Spain.

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BEST @ e-EUBCE 2020

This year’s EUBCE will be held as a virtual conference from 6th July to 9th July 2020. BEST employees presenting the following:

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