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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions depict the European flagship funding program for doctoral education and postdoctoral training, while aiming for edge-cutting research and innovation. Thus, we are very proud to be partner in the BioTrainValue project, which develops and tests new technologies for biomass conversion to innovative bio-based products. The project research results will be:

  • new methodologies and experimental data for creation of small-scale innovative reactors,
  • energy technology for production of treated solid biofuels
  • direct bio-products, as bio-fuels, fertilizers and energy,
  • biochar for application in agriculture and industry


BioTrainValue aims at forming an international and inter-sectoral network of organisations via secondments to project parnters (6 academic and 4 nonacademic partners from 7 European states). Participants will exchange skills and knowledge to strengthen collaborative research between different countries and sectors.

Research Stay Abroad

Konstantin Moser

(Foto: BEST, Andrea Sonnleitner)

Hosting Institute: National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Supervisor: Jure Voglar
Oktober bis Dezember 2023

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Doris Matschegg

(Foto: BEST, Andrea Sonnleitner)

Hosting Institute: University of Crete, School of Production Engineering & Management
November 2023 bis Jänner 2024

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Marilene Fuhrmann

(Foto: BEST, Andrea Sonnleitner)

Hosting Institute: University of Crete, School of Production Engineering & Management
November 2023 bis Jänner 2024

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